Archive for December, 2023

  • Buenos Aires. Eye-rays, is what I tell my English speaking brain. Not Air-Ees, Eye-Rays.  There is something about this place that I can’t put my finger on. We’ve been here a month, and still the city seems to shift, to change. It changes by the time of the day, by the day of the week, almost as the staircases in Hogwarts upend and revise direction, […]

    On the ground in Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires. Eye-rays, is what I tell my English speaking brain. Not Air-Ees, Eye-Rays.  There is something about this place that I can’t put my finger on. We’ve been here a month, and still the city seems to shift, to change. It changes by the time of the day, by the day of the week, almost as the staircases in Hogwarts upend and revise direction, […]

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